Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Zepheria Sonnet XXXVIII

      From the reuenew of thine eyes exchequer,
My faith, his subsidie did neare detract,
Though in thy fauours booke I rest thy debter,
Yet ’mongst accomtants who their faith haue crackt,

      My name thou findest not irrotulat:
I list not stand indebted to infame;
Fowle them befall who pay in counterfaite;
Be they recogniz'd in black booke of Shame.

      But if the rent, which wont was of assise
Thou shalt enhaunce, through pride and coy disdayne,
Exacting double tribute to thine eyes,
And yet encrochest on my hearts domayne:

      Needes must I wish, though gaynst my foyaltie,
      That thou vnsceptred be of natures royaltie.


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